Results, not Resolutions

Stop planning to fail (here's how to succeed instead)

Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most.

Abraham Lincoln

Time To Make That Change

Have you ever caught yourself saying "I'll probably fail anyway" before even starting?

I get it. We've all been there - standing at the threshold of change, carrying the weight of past attempts that didn't stick.

But here's what I've learned: that voice isn't you - it's just an echo of old patterns - and one to which you need to stop listening.

Imagine instead the version of yourself six months from now, looking back with pride at the small, consistent steps you took today.

That future you isn't perfect, but they're proud, confident, and genuinely grateful for every tiny decision you're about to make. And it is their voice that you should listen to going forward.

Those moments when you chose your goals over comfort? They became the foundation of who I am now. Each 'small' victory was actually massive - you just couldn't see it then.

- Your future self

The Inside Job

Looking outside ourselves for solutions is a natural human tendency. We chase quick fixes - the latest supplement promising health, or the newest productivity app - instead of putting in real effort. And we blame external circumstances when we fall - too much work on, or the weather getting in the way - instead of navigating the obstacle (or going straight through!).

True transformation however is an inside job. The key to lasting change isn't found in a capsule or a breakthrough technology - it's found in the quiet moments of self-reflection, in honest conversations with ourselves, and in the daily choices we make when no one is watching. The tools and support systems around us are valuable, but they're amplifiers of our internal commitment, not replacements for it.

Small disciplines repeated with consistency every day lead to great achievements gained slowly over time.

John C. Maxwell

Beyond Goals

When we think about personal development, we often have professional or fitness targets in mind, but targets aren't isolated pursuits; they're interconnected facets of our journey toward wholeness.

Understanding ourselves deeply and honestly, allows us to build resilience, adapt when life throws us curveballs, and even ensures that we don’t feel underwhelmed when we achieve that goal that we believed would bring us happiness.

Your Path Forward:

  • Begin with the heart - ask yourself what truly lights you up inside. Not what looks good on social media, not what others expect, but what makes your soul sing. These authentic desires contain their own fuel for success.

  • Examine your motivations deeply - are you chasing a goal because society values it, or because it genuinely aligns with your personal values? The difference between "I should" and "I want to" is often the difference between struggle and flow.

  • Consider how your goals make you feel, not just what they'll help you achieve. The most sustainable changes come when we're moved by internal alignment rather than external validation.

  • Practice radical honesty with yourself about your current habits and patterns. Understanding where you are is as important as knowing where you want to go. Extended breathwork or meditation sessions can help with this.

  • Recognize that resistance often points to areas of deepest potential growth. When you feel strong emotional resistance to a goal, ask yourself what fears or beliefs might be hiding beneath the surface.

Ultimately we will feel satisfied only when we are emotionally fulfilled, no matter how many objective goals we have reached.

We often pursue objective goals thinking they'll automatically lead to these deeper emotional states - but that connection isn't guaranteed unless the objective goals genuinely align with our core values and desires.

Your goals aren't just about reaching a destination - they're about becoming the person who naturally lives the life you dream of. When we align our actions with our authentic desires, discipline becomes less about force and more about flowing toward our natural state of being.

Success …. it's about understanding yourself deeply and honestly.

Rising Together

I'm excited to introduce our new 'Rising Together' circle - a space where we can support each other, share our journeys, and grow together - whether you already have a clear vision, or just a feeling that change is needed.

If you are ready to join with others that understand your journey, click here to get in at the ground level. You don't need to have it all figured out - you just need to take that first step.

The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Final thoughts

Remember that those days when you feel like you are barely moving forward are actually the most important. Those tiny steps of showing up, even when progress isn't visible, creates the momentum that changes everything.

When you slip (and we all do), treat it as data, not failure. Would you criticize a friend for taking a rest day? For having a moment of doubt? Probably not. Extend that same compassion to yourself.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.


Thank you for reading and I hope we connect in 2025.

Wishing you a healthy and happy year ahead,




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