Plastic Mind

Unlocking Your Brain's Capacity for Change

The small daily choices felt insignificant then, but they compounded into something extraordinary. Trust that each tiny action is sculpting our future brain.

- Your future self

Your Brain is Designed for Change

We all know that feeling - standing at the threshold of change, simultaneously excited and terrified.

Perhaps you've tried before, taken those first steps toward transformation, only to find yourself sliding back into familiar patterns.

I get it. Our brains are masterful at maintaining the status quo, and sometimes it feels like we're fighting against our own nature.

But here's the extraordinary truth: your brain is designed for change. Every thought, every action, every small victory rewires your neural pathways, sculpting the person you're becoming.

As we step into this new year, imagine yourself not as who you are, but as who you're becoming - stronger, more resilient, more aligned with your deepest aspirations.

The brain has the ability to learn, grow and change until the day we die.

Celeste Campbell, Neuropsychologist

Where Your Power Is

Which can you influence more - your teeth, your heart, or your brain?

Most of us assume our teeth top the list, followed by heart health, with our brain being relatively fixed. But neuroscience turns this assumption on its head.

According to Dr. Sandra Bond Chapman, Chief Director of the Center for Brain Health, our brain easily tops this list as the most modifiable organ, followed by the heart, with teeth being the least changeable. “We care for our teeth several times a day - if we cared for our brain that much, it would be phenomenal.

The essence of neuroplasticity is our brain's remarkable ability to modify its neural pathways through our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Every moment of every day, your brain is changing.

Like a living garden, your neural pathways are constantly growing and adapting. Some connections flourish while others naturally pare back.

Your brain is always evolving - and you're the gardener tending its growth. Will you nurture the weeds or the fruit-bearing trees?

The mind is just like a muscle - the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets and the more it can expand.

Idowu Koyenikan

Step-by-Step Mind Reprogramming

  1. Vision Casting

    • Create a vivid mental picture of your desired future self

    • Write it down in present tense ("I am" statements)

    • Take 5 mins each morning to visualize this version of you, with sensory details (what you're wearing, how you carry yourself, your energy level)

    • Extra: Record voice notes from your future self, offering guidance and encouragement

  2. Pattern Recognition

    • Track your current thoughts and emotions for one week

    • Keep a ‘behavior chain’ log: what happened before, during, and after challenging situations, include your energy and mood at these times and which environments or people were involved

    • Extra: Document the self-talk, your inner dialogue during challenging moments (e.g. "I can't do this" to recognise future red flags)

  3. Reframe and Replace

    • Practice the ‘Friend Test’: respond to setbacks as you would to a friend’s

    • Turn "I'm bad at this" into "I'm learning and improving at this"

    • Record your wins, no matter how small, in a dedicated ‘Growth Journal’

    • Extra: Create specific "If-Then" plans: e.g. "If I feel overwhelmed, then I'll take three deep breaths"

  4. Implementation Strategy

    • Break down each desired change into 5-minute actions

    • Stack new habits onto existing ones (e.g. visualize after brushing teeth)

    • Extra: Use time-blocking for new habits rather than relying on motivation

  5. Environment Design

    • Place visual reminders (photos, quotes, objects) at key decision points

    • Remove or hide triggers of unwanted behaviors (social media blockers, snack drawer clean-out)

    • Extra: Create designated spaces for specific activities (reading corner, meditation spot)

  6. Accountability Structure

    • Create a visible progress tracking system (wall calendar, app, or chart)

    • Find an ‘accountability buddy’

    • Celebrate small wins consistently

    • Extra: Join or create a ‘success pod’ of 3-4 people with similar goals and schedule weekly check-ins

Your journey of transformation is uniquely yours - and while external support can be valuable, the real magic happens within. Think about it: how often have we looked for quick fixes or blamed circumstances beyond our control? The truth is, lasting change is an inside job. It requires honest self-reflection and a delicate balance of self-awareness and self-compassion.

Transformational breathwork practices are proven to help quiet our overthinking minds, build self-awareness and encourage new neural pathways to form. Check out a few of our recommendations for these powerful practices* suggested in our breathwork calendar under ‘Energetic Breathwork’.

 *Note: We do not receive any renumeration for these recommendations

Your nervous system cannot tell the difference between an actual experience and a thought.

Maxwell Maltz

What to avoid when building stronger neural pathways

  • The brain is designed to focus on one thing at a time, and multitasking asks your brain to toggle between two tasks.

  • Strengthen your functional brain by eliminating distractions.


Show Yourself Compassion

Remember, stumbling doesn't equal failing - it's part of the journey. If you wouldn't berate a friend for missing a single workout or having one unproductive day, why treat yourself with any less kindness?

The key is not perfection but progress, and sometimes the most significant progress happens when we're gentle with ourselves while staying committed to our vision.

Rising Together

I'm thrilled to introduce our new 'Rise Together' community - a space where transformation meets support. Whether you have a clear goal in mind or simply feel called to positive change, you'll find kindred spirits here. We're creating a sanctuary for growth, where accountability meets understanding, and where your potential can truly flourish.

Ready to join with others that believe in the power of supported growth? Click here to express your interest in Rising Together. Your future self is waiting - and they're smiling at the step you're about to take.

The stories we tell ourselves become the pathways of our brain. Choose your narrative wisely.

Dr. Daniel Siegel


Next up, we’ll be looking at the impact of nutrition on your brain health and discover the secrets to improving it (and digestive health) through your gut. Meanwhile you may want to listen to Luciana Hill, giving you ‘gardening tips’, free with kindleunlimited.

Thank you for reading and keeping those neurons firing on all synapses! 🧠




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